国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2015, Issue (2): 1-1
周飞, 王月兰1()
Risk factors and treatment measures of cardiac arrest in perioperative period

背景 心搏骤停是围术期非常严重的突发事件,虽然其发生率并不高,但抢救成功率低、患者病死率高,一旦发生将严重威胁到患者的生命安全,即便立即实施心肺复苏,心脏成功复跳后也往往会遗留不同程度的后遗症,在围手术期应该引起高度重视。 目的 为预防围术期心搏骤停的发生以及提高心肺复苏的成功率提供指导与理论依据。 内容 总结分析近年来围术期心搏骤停的发生率、相关危险因素以及应对措施。 趋向 围术期心搏骤停的潜在危险因素仍需要进一步研究发现,心搏骤停发生后的抢救治疗措施还存在一定的争议,仍需要进一步的研究来完善。

关键词: 围术期; 心搏骤停; 危险因素; 应对措施

Background Cardiac arrest is a very serious sudden incident during perioperative period, although it is rare in perioperative period, it's rescue rate of success is low and mortality is high. It will threaten the safety of patient’s life directly once it occurs. Objective This article provides guidance and theoretical basis to prevent cardiac arrest from happening in perioperative period and improve the successful rate of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Content To summaries and analyzes the incidence, related risk factors and treatment measures of cardiac arrest in perioperative period. Trend Underlying related risk factors are needed to be Investigated by advanced researches. Controversies still exist in treatment after cardiac arrest, more researches are needed to improve it.

Key words: Perioperative period; Cardiac arrest; Risk factors; Treatment measures