国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2017, Issue (12): 3-3
房怿, 张婷婷, 张文静, 申岱1()
Conservation of vagus nerve during perioperative period

背景 围手术期的各种刺激造成交感神经系统的过度兴奋,这对脏器功能和内环境稳定势必产生严重的不良影响。为了防止过度应激反应,人们通常会考虑应用多种药物以抑制过度的交感神经系统兴奋。 目的 从系统的角度提出迷走神经保护的观点,为临床工作提供一种较为普适的原则,同时也为相关研究开辟新的思路。 内容 重点综述了迷走神经作为副交感神经系统功能的主要承担者,对胸腹腔脏器功能及内环境稳定发挥了重要的基础性调控作用。 趋向 提出迷走神经保护的观点,以提示人们在围手术期抑制交感神经系统过度兴奋的同时,不应忽视副交感神经系统对于脏器功能调控的主导作用。

关键词: 自主神经系统; 迷走神经; 术后快速康复; 心率变异性

Background The over?蛳excitation of sympathetic system caused by any stimulus in perioperative period will influence seriously in organ function and homeostasis of internal environment. To relieve the stress, several drugs usually be applied to control the excessive excitement in nervous system. Objective Parasympathetic nervous system, as one part of the autonomic nervous system, especially vagus nerve always suffers seriously in activity while the inhibition of sympathetic system occurred. It may cause multiple organ malfunction subsequently. Content It focuses on the vagus nerve, as the main functional undertaker in parasympathetic system, acts an important role in basic regulation of organ function in pleuroperitoneal cavity and homeostasis of internal environment. Trend In order to avoid the neglect of parasympathetic system in regulating organ function during perioperative period, it is necessary to gives advices and opinions in the protection of vagus nerve while inhibiting super?蛳excitation of sympathetic system.

Key words: Autonomic nervous system; Vagus; Enhanced recovery after surgery; Heart rate variability