国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2018, Issue (2): 3-3
王树欣, 张丽君, 韩文军1()
Risk assessment and preventive nursing on respiratory complication after general anesthesia in post-anesthesia care unit

背景 随着手术间利用率的不断提高,越来越多的麻醉科将全身麻醉后的患者集中到PACU实施苏醒拔管,气道管理成为PACU内并发症防范的重点与难点问题。作为PACU主体的麻醉护士,在了解全身麻醉苏醒期患者气道管理特点的基础上,实施防范护理,有利于确保PACU患者的安全与护理质量。 目的 通过对PACU内全身麻醉苏醒期患者最为常见的呼吸系统并发症的风险评估与防范护理的梳理,探索切实可行的苏醒期患者气道管理模式。 内容 就PACU内全身麻醉苏醒期患者发生呼吸系统并发症的危险因素、常见临床表现及护理防范等进行综述。 趋向 近年来,为降低苏醒期呼吸系统并发症发生的气管导管拔除相关指南与专家共识逐渐形成,为麻醉护士提供了进行拔管前风险评估、拔管前准备、拔管实施与拔管后观察与处理的依据,有利于对患者实施程序化管理。

关键词: 麻醉后监测治疗室; 呼吸系统; 并发症; 风险评估; 麻醉后护理

Background With the improvement of the operating room utilization, more and more anesthesiology department began to transfer patients to PACU for recovery after general anesthesia. Airway management has become the most key and difficult point in PACU. As the main parts of PACU, anesthesia nurses implement the earliest warning management by understanding the patients′ airway to ensure patients safe in PACU. Objective Explore an effective anesthesia nursing model by summarizing the risk assessment and preventive nursing on respiratory complication in PACU. Content Make a summary on the risk factors, clinical features, treatment and management mode of respiratory complications in PACU. Trend In recent years, guidelines and consensus for the management of tracheal extubation had been published, which provide evidence for anesthesia nursing to implement procedural management for patients after general anesthesia including risk evaluation, preparation, observation and nursing model during tracheal extubation.

Key words: Post-anesthesia care unit; Respiratory; Complication; Risk assessment; Postanesthesia nursing