国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2018, Issue (2): 2-2
吉嘉炜, 韩斌, 徐铭军1()
Clinical application of continuous spinal anesthesia in obstetrics

背景 连续蛛网膜下腔麻醉(continuous spinal anesthesia, CSA)除了具备蛛网膜下腔麻醉起效快、麻醉效果完善和导管置入蛛网膜下腔可按需调控作用时间等双重优点,还具有血流动力学稳定、平面可控等优势,可以用于合并有心肺疾病等危重症产妇的麻醉和镇痛。但由于顾虑穿刺后头痛(post-dural puncture headache, PDPH)等并发症及临床经验,目前未被广泛应用于产科麻醉。 目的 通过分析当前产科CSA的临床应用现状,总结其优势与并发症,为产科麻醉临床应用提供新思路。 内容 围绕CSA在产科麻醉方面的优势、临床应用现状、并发症等进行文献综述。 趋向 探讨CSA用于分娩镇痛和手术麻醉的管理策略。

关键词: 连续蛛网膜下腔麻醉; 麻醉,产科

Background Continuous spinal anesthesia(CSA) is an efficient sub-arachnoid anesthesia with rapid onset, stable anesthetic effects, and the ability to adjust the dosage of anesthetics. As this technique provides stable hemodynamics and ideal controllability, it has been used for major obstetric and gynecological crisis with complications of heart and pulmonary diseases. However, its clinical applications have been hindered by its common complications, including post-dural puncture headache(PDPH). Objective To review clinical applications of CSA in obstetric anesthesia to gain insight to improve CSA in obstetric anesthesia. Contend In obstetrics, CSA assures seamless opportunity to transit vaginal birth to cesarean section. As CSA provides fast induction of anesthesia, stable hemodynamics, and controllability to administer appropriate doses of anesthetics, it has minimal effects on fetus, and has been applied to cesarean section in pregnant women with pregnancy-related hypertension and thrombocytopenia, heart and pulmonary diseases, and scoliosis. With supreme anesthetic efficacy, CSA has nonnegligible complications, such as, post-dural puncture headache(9%-29%), cauda equina syndrome, unsuccessful anesthesia, and brief aphasia, etc. Trend Despite the nonnegligible complications, advantages of CSA entitle it as a versatile technique for obstetric anesthesia with supreme efficacy and wide-range of indications.

Key words: Continuous spinal anesthesia; Anesthesia, obstetrical