国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2011, Issue (4): 16-16
容量- PetCO2波在危重病人中临床应用解析
The Development of Application and Studies of Volume -Capnography in Critical Patients

V- PetCO2是根据呼吸周期中呼出气量对应CO2水平描记的单波图,是无创性连续监测新工具。本文陈述了V- PetCO2基本原理、波形处理和参数计算,着重阐述不同类型呼吸疾病V- PetCO2的特点和临床意义。V- PetCO2能提供肺泡有效通气、CO2产生或消除、死腔量等十数种呼吸参数,在呼吸障碍危重病人中评价严重程度、诊断和鉴别诊断以及呼吸管理中很有价值。

关键词: PetCO2, PetCO2波,容量- PetCO2波,呼吸,通气

principles of V-PetCO2, proceses of waveform and calculation of parameters, focusing on characteristics of V-PetCO2 and clinical significance in the different types of respiratory diseases. V-PetCO2 provides alveolar ventilation, production or elimination of CO2, dead space and other respiratory parameters. It shoud be valuable that progress evaluation of the respiratory function, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, management of mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients.

Key words: Capnography, PetCO2, Capnogram, Volume - Capnogram ventilation