国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2013, Issue (4): 0-0
1.深圳市 第九人民医院 麻醉科
The international fashion trend for obstetric anesthesia administration——obstetric anesthesia: epidural, spinal or combined spinal-epidural analgesia

产科麻醉在全球范围来讲仍是麻醉领域中最具挑战性的话题,这主要是由于:(1)病情变化快;(2)从局麻到气管插管全麻都可选用,无绝对禁忌症。 本文无意主观强调哪种麻醉方式更好,而是提倡依据各种麻醉方法和产科特点,包括产房建设及产科医护团队等综合因素,因地制宜安全地实施产科麻醉。

关键词: 麻醉;产科麻醉管理

Obstetric anesthesia is laden with challenges in many countries worldwide because of:(1) situation mutations of patient's condition;(2)no absolute contraindications to various anesthetic techniques from local to general anesthesia. Numerous factors—— the indications for the surgery, the degree of urgency, maternal status, desires of the patient, and even the cost, which is the most significant factor contribute to the choice of anesthesia? This paper does not intend any of technique as the best one. The authors only advocate to measure the methods to implement safety obstetric anesthesia according to the actual conditions, anesthetic features, delivery room equipment and circumstances of obstetric care team et al.

Key words: Anesthesia;Obstetric anesthesia administration