国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2013, Issue (9): 2-2
Research Progress on Perioperative Blood Conservation

背景 围术期血液保护是指围术期通过各种方法充分保护及利用好自体血液,尽可能地防止输血相关并发症,从而改善患者预后的治疗措施,血源紧张和血液供需矛盾以及输血并发症的凸显使得围术期血液保护工作刻不容缓。目的 展望血液保护新形式,呼吁完善现有输血指南,并以此促进临床合理用血及血液保护工作开展。内容 综述近年来围术期血液保护手段。趋向 虽然近年来血液保护技术不断更新,但大多因费用昂贵等原因临床实用性不强,同时目前全世界都还没有完善的围术期输血指南,简单易行的血液保护方式、客观科学的围手术期输血指南是麻醉同仁共同寻求的目标

关键词: 围术期;血液保护;输血指针

Background Perioperative blood conservation refers to the preservation and fully utilization of autoblood through various strategies, mitigating the need of allogeneic blood transfusion, also minimizing avoidable risks of transfusion-related adverse events. Objective Outlook new blood conservation innovations in the future, calling for the rational and prudent use of this scarce resource. Content Different methods of blood conservation nowadays is reviewed. Trend Despite the rapid development of advanced blood conservation techniques, they are not facilitated enough in clinic. New relative techniques and perioperative transfusion trigger would be researched.

Key words: Perioperative; Blood conservation; Transfusion triggers