国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2015, Issue (11): 0-0
刘卫卫, 薄禄龙, 朱文忠1()
Deliriums after cardiac surgery: an update

【摘要】 背景 心脏术后谵妄可增加患者并发症发生率,并与远期预后相关。目的 以心脏手术患者术后谵妄为切入点,从其定义、病因、诊断、预防与治疗等方面予以综述。内容 心脏术后谵妄发生率较高,其发生与患者预后不良相关,并可增加中风、认知功能减退风险,与远期死亡率相关。谵妄的病因学及病理生理未完全明确。推荐非药物策略预防谵妄,抗精神病药物在其预防及治疗上尚存争议。 趋向:临床医师应充分认识到心脏术后谵妄的危害性,积极探索并寻找预防及治疗谵妄的新方法。

关键词: 麻醉;心脏手术;谵妄;术后认知功能障碍;氟哌啶醇

【Abstract】Background Delirium is associated with both short and long-term morbidity and mortality in surgical patients. Objective To review the definition, etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment strategies associated with delirium after cardiac surgery. Content The incidence of delirium after cardiac surgery is estimated at a high. Delirium after cardiac surgery is associated with poor prognosis, including increased long-term mortality, increased risk of stroke, and substantial cognitive. Effectiveness of prophylactic antipsychotics to reduce the risk of delirium is controversial. The evidence that antipsychotics in cardiac surgery patients reduce duration of delirium or improve long-term outcomes following delirium is with low quality. Trend Clinicians in the ICU should recognize the impact of delirium in predicting long-term outcomes for patients. Further research was warranted to determine interventions that will be effective in preventing and treating delirium in cardiac surgical patients.

Key words: Anesthesia; Cardiac surgery; Delirium; Postoperative cognitive dysfunction; Haloperidol