国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2017, Issue (3): 0-0
李娜, 贾锐, 顾小萍, 马正良1()
Research Progress on Associated Factors about Blood Loss in Spinal Surgery for Adolescent Scoliosis

背景 青少年脊柱侧凸手术伴随着大量失血,是麻醉科医生关注的主要问题,目前研究发现了该手术术中失血量的相关因素并构建了多因素回归模型。 目的 总结国内外文献中青少年脊柱侧凸手术术中失血量的相关因素,分析其效应。 内容 影响青少年脊柱侧凸手术术中失血量的相关因素主要有:性别、体重、脊柱侧凸诊断类型、Cobb角、融合节段、截骨、手术时长、纤维蛋白原浓度,活化部分促凝血酶原激酶时间,女性月经周期,抗纤维蛋白溶解药。 趋向 目前仍需大样本多中心前瞻性研究验证青少年脊柱侧凸手术术中失血相关因素和模型的真实性、可靠性和效益。

关键词: 青少年; 脊柱侧凸; 失血量; 手术

Background Massive blood loss in spinal surgery for adolescent scoliosis is a major concern for anesthesiologists. Researches have found factors associated with blood loss and built multivariate regression models. Objective This article is a summary of factors associated with blood loss in spinal surgery for adolescent scoliosis, and a discussion about effect of these factors. Content Significant factors affecting intraoperative blood loss of spinal surgery for adolescent scoliosis mainly include sex, weight, diagnostic type of scoliosis, Cobb angle, number of levels fused, osteotomy, duration of operation, fibrinogen, APTT, menstrual phase, antifibrinolytics. Trend More prospective researches with large sample size in multicenter are needed to identify validity,reliability and effectiveness of these factors and models.

Key words: Adolescent;Scoliosis;Blood loss;Surgery