国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2018, Issue (7): 0-0
姚静, 巩鹤松, 赵晓春1()
The research progress of Presence of Parents at the Induction of Anesthesia

背景 父母陪伴麻醉诱导技术是指为了减轻患儿麻醉诱导期焦虑和痛苦和增加小儿麻醉诱导的顺应性的而采取的医疗干预措施。 目的 就父母陪伴麻醉诱导的研究进展做一综述。 内容 讨论父母陪伴麻醉诱导及改良耶鲁术前焦虑评分量表(modified Yale preoperative anxiety scale,mYPAS)的发展,父母陪伴麻醉诱导的优点、潜在风险及父母陪伴麻醉诱导联合其他减轻患儿麻醉诱导时焦虑程度的干预措施的特点。 趋向 父母陪伴麻醉诱导与其他减轻患儿麻醉诱导时焦虑程度的干预措施联合使用效果更好,但最优联合方式仍需进一步临床研究。

关键词: 父母陪伴麻醉诱导;小儿麻醉;术前焦虑;改良耶鲁术前焦虑评分量表

Backgrand Presence of Parents at the Induction of Anesthesia refers to the intervention strategies to alleviate anxiety and stress of children and Increase the child's compliance during the induction of anesthesia. Objective The article will review the research progress of Presence of Parents at the Induction of Anesthesia. Content Reviewing the research progress of Presence of Parents at the Induction of Anesthesia and modified Yale preoperative anxiety scale(mYPAS),the advantages and potential risk of Presence of Parents at the Induction of Anesthesia ,the combined use of Presence of Parents at the Induction of Anesthesia and other intervention strategies to alleviate the child's anxiety during the induction of anesthesia. Trend the combined use of Presence of Parents at the Induction of Anesthesia and other intervention strategies to alleviate the child's anxiety during the induction of anesthesia has better effect on the alleviation of the child's anxiety,the best combination still needs further clinical studies.

Key words: Parents at the Induction of Anesthesia;Pediatric anesthesiology;Preoperative anxiety;Modified Yale preoperative anxiety scale(mYPAS)