国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2018, Issue (7): 0-0
许文妍, 张马忠, 左云霞1()
Common challenges and coping strategies in pediatric anesthesia

背景 儿科学、麻醉学及麻醉设备的发展以及计算机技术的应用,助推了小儿麻醉的飞速发展,但小儿麻醉进展依然滞后于成年人麻醉,小儿麻醉相关并发症和病死率仍然较高。目的 综述小儿麻醉近期研究进展,提高临床小儿麻醉水平。 内容 近期研究发现儿童气道的最窄处位于声带水平或其下少许的位置,且前后径大于横径。这一认知的更新,促进了气囊导管在小儿麻醉中的应用。减少阿片类药物用量及加用地塞米松等可减少(tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, TA)日间手术术后呼吸系统不良事件发生率,但日间手术模式增加了提高TA术后舒适度的难度。儿童手术室外麻醉的气道管理相比成年人风险更大,手术室外镇静监测及管理指南可能避免相关副作用发生。在七氟醚麻醉的基础上预防性用药(术中维持用药和手术结束前给药)能够有效降低小儿苏醒期躁动发生率,苏醒期镇痛完善和控制麻醉深度适当是预防小儿苏醒期躁动的有效措施。小儿全身麻醉药的神经毒性临床研究正在进行,取得了阶段性成果。 趋向 小儿临床麻醉实践中应对麻醉风险采取合理的预防措施,麻醉与小儿神经发育之间的关系需大量长期的临床研究进行探究。

关键词: 小儿麻醉;气道管理;阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征;苏醒期躁动;神经毒性

Background Progress in pediatrics, anesthesiology, apparatus for anesthesia, and computerized technology promotes the development of pediatric anesthesia. But pediatric anesthesia currently lags far behind adult anesthesia as the incidence of postoperative complications and mortality rate in pediatric patients is still higher than those in adult patients. Objective To review the recent advancement in pediatric anesthesiology and provide guidance for the practice of pediatric anesthesia. Content Recent radiological imaging and bronchoscopy studies reveal the location and shape of the narrowest part of children’s trachea. This finding provides anatomical guidance for appropriate performance of balloon catheter intubation. The treatment of obtrusive sleep apnea(OSA) in pediatric patients requires tonsillectomy. In these cases, dexamethasone, serotonin receptor blockers and metoclopramide can alleviate postoperative complications. Airway management is more challenging in pediatric anesthesia than in adult anesthesia and requires tranquilizer treatment and real-time monitoring to avoid adverse reactions. Appropriate perioperative anesthesia and analgesia management may effectively control emergence agitation. Neurotoxicity of general anesthetics is another important concern for pediatric anesthesia. Trend Further clinical investigations are required to optimize intervention strategies to prevention adverse outcomes in pediatric anesthesia and to clarify the cause-effect relationship between anesthesia and neurodevelopmental deficits.

Key words: Pediatric anesthesia; Airway management; Obtrusive Sleep Apnea;Emergence Igitation;Neurotoxicity