国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2013, Issue (12): 0-0
张兰芳, 穆蕊, 余剑波1()
Anesthetic management of morbid obesity undergoing laparoscopic vertical banded gastroplasty

病态肥胖症(morbid obesity,MO),特别是合并阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症(obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,OSAS)患者的麻醉给麻醉医师提出了诸多挑战。充分的术前评估和围术期准备是患者平稳渡过围手术期的关键。MO影响多个重要器官,麻醉前评估除了病史及体格检查外,应着重了解循环和呼吸系统的问题,MO患者气管插管可能更困难,应详细评估气道,制定插管备选策略。此外,不同的药代动力学和药效学,围手术期及术后的管理也同样棘手。现通过1例病态肥胖症患者的病例,进行讨论分析此类患者合适麻醉和管理方法。

关键词: 腹腔镜; 胃减容术; 病态肥胖症 ; 麻醉

The anesthesiologist may be requested to deal with several challenges in morbid obesity, especially combining obstructive sleep apnea hyponea syndrome. It is a significant important to perform a thorough preoperative evaluation to identify potential risk factors related to anesthesia and adequately prepare for perioperative management. MO affects multiple vital organs. The preoperative evaluation of the consequences of obesity not only involves case history and physical examination, but also should focus on respiratory and cardiac systems. As intubation and maintenance of oxygenation may be particularly challenging, various strategies should be presented. In addition, different pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic drug regimen, perioperative and postoperative management may be also challenging. We reported a case, a patient who suffered from morbid obesity and underwent laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, and analyzed anesthetic management.

Key words: laparoscope; vertical banded gastroplasty;morbid obesity; anesthesia