国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2014, Issue (1): 0-0
郝学超, 闵苏1()
Research Progress Of Neuroinflammation In Postoperative Cognitive

【摘要】 背景 术后认知功能障碍(postoperative cognitive dysfunction ,POCD)是常见的手术、麻醉并发症,以老年患者及心脏术后患者多发,主要表现为认知功能下降,对患者术后恢复造成严重不良影响,延长住院时间,增加治疗费用。近年来,随着老年患者被纳入手术对象的比例增加,POCD将成为一个严重的临床及社会问题。 目的 旨在推进POCD的相关研究进展,促进POCD的治疗及预防措施的揭示。 内容 关于POCD发病原因、发病机制的研究近年来已进行了大量的探索,然而其明确机制仍未阐明,存在较大争议。手术及麻醉的作用是研究的主要方向。并且大量研究发现,老年是POCD发生的独立的危险因素。患者本身的病理生理状况的是POCD发生的基础,手术及麻醉引起的病理改变是POCD发生的外在因素。 趋向 炎症发应是手术创伤后机体产生的固有的抗损伤反应,然而过度的炎症反应则会起到损伤机体的负面作用。关于POCD发病机制的多种阐释中,机体炎症反应及中枢神经系统(central nervous system,CNS)的神经炎症(neuroinflammation)机制得到了大多数研究者的认可。本文从CNS神经炎症角度出发,以疾病发生、发展过程为线索,综述POCD的发生机制相关研究进展。

关键词: 术后认知功能障碍;老年;炎症反应;手术

【Abstract】 Background Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is one of the complications of surgery, which is firstly reported as a complication with relative high incidence occurred in elderly patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Patients suffering POCD represent declined cognitive function, and with prolonged rehabilitation phase. On the other hand, with the increasing number of aged patients in operation room, elucidating the mechanism underlying POCD become more urgent. Studies about the POCD etiology, pathogenesis in recent years have made much progress. However, the development mechanisms of POCD are not yet clarified and the cause of POCD is still controversial. Objective The review summarized the recent studies on POCD in order to provide some clues for further understanding and studies. Content Different pathogenesis mechanisms, such as anesthesia, aging and surgery trauma, have been applied to explain the occurrence of POCD. Among these hypothesises,the neuroinflammation occurring in the central nervous system (CNS) has been accepted by most researchers as a major cause of POCD. A lot of researches have been conducted to explore the causes of neuroinflammation and the pathophysiological changes it results in. Trend In view of recent studies, single mechanism is not enough to elaborate the incidence of POCD. Much more studies should be carried out to elucidate the mechanisms underlying POCD, besides the neuroinflammation mechanism may remain to be a focus.

Key words: Postoperative cognitive dysfunction;aged;neuroinflammation;surgery