国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2016, Issue (7): 0-0
卢爱珠, 张鸿飞, 徐世元1()
Persistent hoarseness after general anesthesia:a case report and clinical analysis

全身麻醉后声音嘶哑是围术期相关并发症之一,一旦发生将严重影响患者生活质量并易引起医疗纠纷。其主要病因为喉返神经麻痹和环杓关节脱位,因两者治疗方法截然不同需重视鉴别诊断,提倡早期诊断,尽早治疗。现报道1例ASA Ⅱ女性患者,气管内全麻后出现右侧声带麻痹、左侧环杓关节脱位,主要表现为咽痛、持续严重声嘶,因多方原因导致患者延误诊治,积极治疗3月后恢复。临床医生需提高对该疾病的认识和诊治能力。

关键词: 全身麻醉;声音嘶哑;喉返神经麻痹;环勺关节脱位

Postoperative hoarseness is a rare complication in the perioperative period. But once it occurs, it generally seriously affects the life quality of patients and leads to medical disputes. Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis and cricoarytenoid joint dislocation, with completely different therapeutic methods, are the main causes of postoperative hoarseness. Sufficient attention should be paid on the differential diagnosis. Early diagnosis and early treatment help to improve the therapeutic effect of patients. Now we reported a case of female patient with ASA Ⅱ who suffered right vocal cord paralysis and left cricoarytenoid joint dislocation after general anesthesia. For delayed diagnosis and treatment, the patient was finally cured 3 months after surgery. Clinicians should improve their awareness and management of postoperative hoarseness.

Key words: General anesthesia; Persistent hoarseness; Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis; Cricoarytenoid joint dislocation