国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2017, Issue (9): 0-0
卞勇, 卢伊, 黄悦, 郑吉建, 张马忠, 黄延辉1()
Efficacy of intranasal dexmedetomidine sedation for radiological scanning in infants under 12 months with congenital heart disease

目的 与传统镇静药物比较,评估小年龄先心患儿放射学检查右美托咪定作为首剂口服水合氯醛镇静失败后补救用药的疗效及安全性。方法 根据意向性治疗原则,前瞻性、随机、单盲临床随机对照试验分析我院2016年3月29日-6月2日与我院行心血管放射学检查且需镇静的小婴儿347例,比较首剂口服水合氯醛失败后5mg/kg肌肉注射苯巴比妥(A组)、25mg/kg口服水合氯醛(B组)、1g/kg右美托咪定滴鼻(C组)补救镇静的成功率及不良反应;同时分析患者满意度;比较起效时间、苏醒时间及总镇静时间;评估血流动力学参数,包括血氧饱和度及心率的变化。结果 A组、B组及C组放射学检查补救镇痛成功率为分别为75.8%、83.3%、90.7%。C组与A组成功率比较有显著性差异。分层研究后发现,右向左分流先心患儿放射学检查成功率更高。C组起效时间、苏醒时间及总镇静时间分别为8.0(5.0,13.0)min、66.0(50.0,92.8)min、96.0(80.0,122.8)min。C组与B组起效时间有显著性差异。C组苏醒时间及总镇静时间与A组及B组都有显著性差异。三组不良反应率分别为3.2%、7.6%、4%,无显著性差异。三组血流动力学参数,包括心率及血氧饱和度变化无显著性差异。结论 1μg/kg右美托咪定滴鼻可以有效地用于先心患儿的放射学检查,具有起效快,作用效果持久的特点。对于右向左分流的紫绀型先心患儿镇静效果更佳。此剂量不增加先心患儿不良反应的发生率。

关键词: 右美托咪定;婴儿;先天性心脏病;补救镇静;放射学检查

Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of intranasal dexmedetomidine compared with traditional medications for rescue sedation during radiological scanning in infants under 12 months with congenital heart disease. Methods On an intention to treat protocol, of this prospective single-blinded randomized clinical trial, a total 347 infants diagnosed with congenital heart diseases who were not adequately sedated after initial oral dose of 50 mg/kg chloral hydrate were randomly divided into three groups. Group A received intramuscular Phenobarbital of 5mg/kg. Group B received second oral dose chloral hydrate 25 mg/kg. Group C received intranasal dexmedetomidine 1g/kg. Sedation onset and duration, heart rate, and oxygen saturation, parent satisfaction were recorded. Results The success rate of rescue sedation among three groups was 75.8%, 83.3% and 90.7% . There were significant differences in success rate in Group C compared with Group A. The sedation induced time, wake-up time and the total sedation time in group C were 8.0(5.0,13.0)min, 66.0(50.0,92.8)min, 96.0(80.0,122.8)min respectively. There were no significant differences among three groups in wake-up time and the total sedation time; However, the sedation induced time was significantly shorter in Group C as compared to that in Group A. The proportion of infants with right to lefte shunt subgroup successfully sedated was more than that of the other two subgroups. The incidence of side-effects were 3.2%, 7.6% and 4% separately with no significantly differences (P ≥ 0.05). There were no significant differences in hemodynamic changes among three groups. Conclusions A dosage of intranasal dexmedetomidine 1g/kg was found to be effective in infants under 12 months with congenital heart disease during radiological scanning as a rescue sedative with quicker sedation onset time and longer sedation time and appears to be more effective in infants with right to left shunt lesions. It did not increase the incidence of side effects and hemodynamic changes.

Key words: Dexmedetomidine;Infants;Congenital heart disease;Rescue sedation;Radiological scanning