国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2020, Issue (6): 19-19
李金泰, 王奕匀, 蓝升, 席鹏, 王芸芸, 龙集智, 刘毅1()
Effects of general anesthetics on biological clock genes and circadian behavioral rhythm

术后患者常出现昼夜节律紊乱,多表现为睡眠剥夺和睡眠紊乱。近来研究提示全身麻醉药物可能通过影响生物钟诱发这类术后并发症。分析总结动物研究发现,全身麻醉药物可以改变生物钟基因表达,可能与麻醉药物作用于下丘脑视交叉上核(suprachiasmatic nucleus, SCN)特异性的神经元受体有关;全身麻醉后动物的昼夜节律发生改变,典型的如行为节律紊乱(尽管行为节律紊乱的结果不一致)。文章认为引起生物节律改变的因素多且复杂,环境因素及人工因素都有可能造成影响,今后关于全身麻醉药物、生物钟基因、昼夜行为节律的相关实验应当更加完善以及更深入地探讨其中的机制。这些问题的解决,将为全身麻醉后昼夜节律紊乱提供新的预防和治疗思路。

关键词: 全身麻醉药; 生物钟; 昼夜节律; 视交叉上核

Patients usually experience circadian rhythm disorders postoperatively such as sleep deprivation and sleep disturbance. Recent studies have suggested that general anesthetics by themselves may induce these complications through influencing the biological clock. Summing up those animal researches, this paper discover that general anesthetics can alter the expression of circadian genes, which may be related to their effects on special neuron receptors located in hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). What is more, circadian rhythm is also disturbed after general anesthesia, typically as behavioral rhythm,although there were many inconsistent outcomes among these studies. As many and complex factors can effect biorhythm (e.g.,both environmental factors and artificial factors are likely to have an impact), this paper holds that well‑designed experiments and further mechanical studies are needed on general anesthetics, circadian genes and biorhythms in the future. With the solution of these problems,there will be a new idea for prevention and treatment of circadian rhythm disorders after general anesthesia.

Key words: General anesthetics; Biological clock; Circadian rhythm; Suprachiasmatic nucleus