国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2020, Issue (1): 0-0
唐冬娟, 薛晓梅, 何斌1()
Application of high‑flow nasal humidified oxygen therapy in patients with hypercapnic respiratory failure

高碳酸血症型呼吸衰竭是临床常见的呼吸衰竭类型之一,传统的氧疗方式在改善患者氧合的情况下不可避免地出现一些并发症。近年来,经鼻高流量湿化氧疗(high‑flow nasal cannula oxygen, HFNC)作为氧疗界的后起之秀已广泛应用于临床,通过高速的氧气流减少口鼻咽部解剖死腔、降低CO2重复吸入、产生呼气末正压、增加呼气末肺容积等生理学效应,使其成为高碳酸血症型呼吸衰竭患者的理想选择。文章就近年来HFNC在高碳酸血症型呼吸衰竭中的应用研究进行综述。

关键词: 经鼻高流量湿化氧疗; 呼吸衰竭; 高碳酸血症

Hypercapnia respiratory failure is one of the common types of respiratory failure in clinical practice. Traditional oxygen therapy can improve oxygenation, but may inevitable cause some complications. In recent years, high‑flow nasal humidified oxygen (HFNC) therapy has been widely used in clinical setting as a new effective method. It uses high speed of oxygen flow to reduce the anatomical dead space of the mouth, nose and pharynx, reduce CO2 re‑inspiration, produce positive pressure at the end of exhalation, increase expiratory lung volume and become the ideal choice of patients with high carbonate type of respiratory failure. This paper reviews the application of HFNC therapy in hypercapnic respiratory failure in recent years.

Key words: High‑flow nasal humidified oxygen therapy; Respiratory failure; Hypercapnia