国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2021, Issue (4): 0-0
程晨, 步莉娜, 张大千, 范坤, 岳小芳1()
Advances in the application of airway devices in drug‑induced sleep upper gastrointestinal endoscopy


关键词: 全上消化道内镜检查术; 低氧; 麻醉; 镇静; 通气; 设备

Anesthesia and sedation during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy can improve the comfort of patients, but the risk of airway obstruction, respiratory depression and hypoxemia may accordingly increase. At present, a variety of airway devices have been marketed, so as to improve the safety of drug‑induced sleep endoscopy. Airway devices can effectively reduce the incidence of hypoxemia during drug‑induced sleep endoscopy, but we need to consider individual selection of the airway device in the future. The review summarizes the airway devices that are commonly used, including nasal, oral and extraoral devices, so as to elaborate the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each airway device, and provide reference for clinical selection of appropriate airway device.

Key words: Panendoscopy; Hypoxia; Anesthesia; Sedative; Ventilation; Apparatus