国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2021, Issue (7): 0-0
夏珺, 熊源长1()
Research progress on postoperative acute pain management in older adults

急性疼痛是新近产生且持续时间较短的疼痛。术后疼痛是指手术后即刻发生的急性疼痛,是影响患者术后早期 恢复和远期生活质量的主要问题。近年来,接受手术的老年患者数量和年龄的不断增加,其复杂的生理变化和合并疾病给术 后急性疼痛的控制带来巨大挑战。文章简述术后疼痛的一般机制和老年患者生理变化,分析总结老年患者的疼痛评估和镇痛 干预治疗的特殊性,为临床医师进行老年患者术后急性疼痛管理提供帮助。

关键词: 急性疼痛; 老年人; 术后疼痛

Acute pain is a newly developed pain with short duration. Postoperative pain refers to the acute pain occurring im⁃ mediately after operation, which is the main problem affecting the early recovery and long⁃term quality of life of patients. In recent years, the number and age of older adults undergoing surgery have been gradually increasing and their complicated physiological chang⁃ es and combined diseases bring about great challenges to the control of postoperative acute pain. This paper briefly describes the gener⁃ al mechanism of postoperative pain and the physiological changes of older adults, analyzes and summarizes their features of pain assess⁃ ment and analgesia intervention, and provides assistance to clinicians for the management of postoperative acute pain in older adults.

Key words: Acute pain; Aged; Postoperative pain