国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2022, Issue (2): 0-0
戴乐杨, 钱燕宁1()
Anesthesia advances in the surgery related to motor neuron disease

运动神经元病(motor neuron disease, MND)是一组临床少见的神经变性疾病,呈进行性发展,常因累及呼吸肌造成呼吸功能不全。此类患者进行手术麻醉时易发生呼吸道并发症,应予以高度重视。文章通过综述相关文献,从MND的疾病特征、手术方式选择、术前评估、麻醉方式及药物选择、围手术期并发症等方面进行阐述,为指导临床提供参考。

关键词: 运动神经元病; 麻醉

Motor neuron disease (MND) is a group of relatively rare disease with rapid progressive neurodegenerative disorders that affect the inherent muscle and cause the respiratory insufficiency. Certain precautions should be taken during anesthetic care of MND patients due to the high possibility of postoperative respiratory complications. Based on relevant literature, the clinical character of MND, the type of the surgery, the estimation of the anesthetic and surgical risk, the choice of anesthetic method and narcotic drug and perioperative complications were introduced, which aimed to provide a reference for clinical practice.

Key words: Motor neuron disease; Anesthesia