国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2022, Issue (7): 0-0
李妍宏, 何娟娟, 王晓1()
Research advances of vocal cord paralysis after pediatric cardiac surgery

声带麻痹(vocal cord paralysis, VCP)是心脏直视手术后容易被忽视的并发症,与患者拔管后呼吸功能不全、误吸、发声困难、喂养困难、生长发育迟缓等并发症相关。文章主要对小儿心脏手术后VCP的相关因素、诊断、治疗及预后等研究进展进行阐述,为临床医师在围手术期诊断及处理VCP提供参考,减少术后并发症,改善患者预后。

关键词: 声带麻痹; 心脏手术; 小儿

Vocal cord paralysis (VCP) is an easily neglected complication after direct cardiac surgery and is associated with complications such as respiratory insufficiency, aspiration, dysphonia, feeding difficulties, and growth retardation in patients after extubation. The article focuses on the research progress of factors related to VCP, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis after pediatric cardiac surgery, which provides a reference for clinicians to diagnose and manage VCP in the perioperative period to reduce postoperative complications and improve patient prognosis.

Key words: Vocal cord paralysis; Cardiac surgery; Pediatric