国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2022, Issue (2): 0-0
张励才, 麻醉编辑部1()
Discovery and scientific significance of a unique nucleus--cerebrospinal fluid‑contacting nucleus

接触脑脊液神经核,简称触液核,是作者团队在世界上首先发现和命名的一个独特神经核。与目前已知的神经核显著不同的是:触液核的胞体位于脑实质,突起伸在脑脊液中,专司脑‑脑脊液的信息传递。本研究历时30余年,参与者超过100人,取得了一系列成果,2010年曾获江苏省科学技术一等奖。文章提供了90~400 g大鼠触液核中心点坐标的经验公式,触液核与全脑24个功能区、235个功能核团之间的纤维投射及其可能参与的功能。著录了包括敲除触液核模式动物制作方法等7篇重要参考文献,以便为感兴趣的研究者开展相关研究提供必要的工作基础。

关键词: 接触脑脊液神经核; 位置; 立体定位技术; 模式动物; 功能

Cerebrospinal fluid‑contacting nucleus, abbreviated as CSF‑contacting nucleus is a unique nucleus which was originally discovered and named by the author's research team in the world. Significantly different from the known nuclei, its soma is located in the brain parenchyma and protrudes in the cerebrospinal fluid, which is responsible for information transmission between the brain and cerebrospinal fluid. The study lasted more than 30 years and involved more than 100 participants. A series of achievements have been achieved. In 2010, it won the first prize of the Science and Technology of Jiangsu Province. In this paper, we provide an empirical formula for the coordinates of the central point of the nucleus in rats weighing 90‒400 g, fiber projection between the CSF‑contacting nucleus and 235 nuclei in 24 functional regions of the whole brain and their possible functions. Furthermore, seven references were listed in the appendix, including the modeling method of animals with knock‑out CSF‑contacting nucleus, so as to provide necessary working basis for interested researchers to carry out relevant research.

Key words: Cerebrospinal fluid‑contacting nucleus; Position; Stereotaxic techniques; Model animals; Function