国际麻醉学与复苏杂志   2023, Issue (2): 1-1
赵玉华, 韩雪萍, 袁静静1()
Perioperative management of a patient with relapsing polychondritis undergoing radical operation for lung cancer: A case report

复发性多软骨炎(relapsing polychondritis, RP)是一种自身免疫性疾病,患者可出现气道狭窄、分泌物增多和肺部感染。文章报道了1例RP患者行肺癌根治手术的围手术期麻醉管理。该患者因咳嗽胸闷症状入院,诊断为肺腺癌合并肺部感染、RP,拟行胸腔镜下右肺下叶癌根治术。术前积极控制感染,术中全麻下左侧双腔气管导管插管,由于单肺通气时SpO2难以维持,在间断双肺通气下完成手术。术后顺利拔除气管导管,经治疗后出院,后又因肺部感染再次入院。该病例提示麻醉医师对于RP患者需特别注意围手术期气道管理。

关键词: 复发性多软骨炎; 胸外科; 气道管理

Relapsing polychondritis (RP) is an autoimmune disease that may develop narrowing of the airway, lung infection, and increased secretion. This paper reported the perioperative management of a patient with RP undergoing radical surgery for lung cancer. The patient was diagnosed with lung adenocarcinoma with a lung infection, and RP was admitted due to a cough and chest tightness. The patient will be performed thoracoscopic radical resection of the right lower lobe carcinoma. Infection was controlled before surgery, and the left double‑lumen endotracheal catheter was intubated under general anesthesia during surgery. Since SpO2 was challenging to maintain, the surgery was completed under intermittent double‑lung ventilation. After the surgery, the tracheal tube was removed successfully. Then this patient was discharged from the hospital. Later, this patient was readmitted due to a lung infection. This case suggests that anesthesiologists should pay attention to perioperative airway management in patients with RP.

Key words: Relapsing polychondritis; Thoracic surgery; Airway management